Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Days are Blurring Together

A lot has changed.  I'm not sure if it's for the better or worse, but it is change.  I'm finally starting to feel like summer has began.  I've been meeting new people, going to movies and hikes, and getting way sunburned.  I seem to forget what day it is on a regular basis and can't believe how quickly the weeks are flying by.

Last Sunday Logan dropped off a bag of things I gave him over the years.  In the bottom was an engagement ring.  I cried for a good two hours after that.  All the emotional bullshit finally hit me.  I am a strong individual, but that really just broke my heart.  I was able to get him to take it back, luckily.  I have no idea what I would have done with it.  I wouldn't of had the heart to sell it, and I couldn't just stick it in a drawer.  I don't know what Logan will do with it, but it sure is gorgeous and I hope it can make someone very happy one day.  I still don't understand why he would have bought a ring and planned on asking me to marry him, and then acted so foolishly.  It just doesn't make sense.

On a brighter note, the animals are adjusting very well.  Puppy and Freckles go outside on a regular basis now and they stay in the yard (for meow).  OJ and the horses are getting along fantastically, too.  We are going to have a barn built within the next month! Sooo excited!
My mom and I will be headed to New Mexico in a week.  I wish I was more excited about it, but I am currently so wrapped up in what's been going on with Logan and trying to get comfortable in this house it is exhausting.  Once I'm there I hope I'll be able to let go and focus on what I love--Horses.

I've been spending time with a lot of new people recently.  Guys, of course, since girls seem to think I'm the Black Plague or something -.-  I've met some great people!  I won't mention names, but each of them is very different and it's so refreshing! One of them is very into Buddhism, another is just a sweet, down to earth kind of guy, and a few others are just excellent at making conversation.  I went on a hike yesterday (Holy wow I'm out of shape), and it was so enjoyable!  I wish I had more time to do stuff like that with everyone.  I'm realizing I'm not very good at friend management x.x That's something I'm going to need to work on and hopefully they will stick around until I can figure it out.  

 Eugine finally got his carstache.  At first people are taken back by it, and then they realize what is is and either say, "That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen." or "That is freaking hilarious."  Either way, he looks pimpin'.

There was a beautiful double rainbow the other day.  It is so peaceful out here, especially when it rains.  I love summer, but I wish it would rain more often.
"Double Rainbow, oh my God..."

Well, I suppose that's all.  I currently have a cold so I'm stuck at home until I get better.  I haven't donated plasma at all this week because my heart rate has been too high.  I'm thinking it's because I was dehydrated and now I'm sick.  Hopefully I'll be able to donate again next week! One of my new friends works there so it makes it much more enjoyable...although he did tell me my donation hardly amounts to any life saving quantities, ha.  As long as I still get paid, I don't mind ;)

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