Friday, June 14, 2013

An Update From Pie Town, New Mexico

So my mom and I left at 7:00 A.M yesterday with Buck and Tango in tow.  It was supposed to be a 12 hour drive, but it turned more into a 15 hour drive due to some major hiccups along the way.  I was going to drive the truck and trailer for a part of the drive, but the wind was too instead I slept for about five or six hours.  It was awesome.  The people we were caravaning with ran into some major truck problems.  I felt so bad for them and their horses because they were basically stranded for a good while until Larry (one of the owners of Horse Haven) was able to pick up their horse trailer with his truck.  My mom and I decided to drive to the ranch alone...and we got lost for about an hour.  It was pitch dark outside and there were elk crossing the road everywhere. Talk about terrifying.  Regardless of the issues, however, we arrived in one piece and the horses were so happy to be able to run around and get out of the cramped trailer.  My mom and I were pretty happy to get out of the truck too I think.

Today was the first day of the hoof clinic.  I learned a ton about the anatomy of hooves, and I even got to watch a hoof dissection.  The layers of the hoof are incredible and so intricate.  I gained a lot of appreciation for the self-trimming hoof and natures way of maintaining a horse's hooves.  I had to leave when they started dissecting the leg though because I started feeling really anxious about Foxy's passing and how she broke her leg.  Instead I took a two hour nap which I desperately needed.  Tomorrow is another day full of learning about diseases that effect the hoof and how a good/bad hoof can have an effect on other parts of the body.  On Sunday we will begin the horsemanship segment of the clinic.  I'm really excited for that part!

Horse Haven (where the clinic is taking place) is a beautiful facility. The house is stunning, and the horse facilities are to die for.  Everything is clean and where it should be, the horses are happy, and the people are a joy to be with.  The sky out here is huge!  There was a thunder storm tonight that brought in lightning and a nice cool breeze.  A nice rainbow even formed for part of the evening.  More pictures to come!


I still haven't been able to donate plasma.  Last time I went in my resting heart rate was 124 and they informed me I lost 10 pounds, so I decided I needed to go to the doctor.  I told the doctor how I lost weight without intending to do so, I've been feeling exhausted, not sleeping through the night, my heart has been racing and it's been hard to breathe at times, restless legs, plus I've been having hot flashes, amongst some other abnormal things.  The doctor basically told me I have hyperthyroidism (my thyroid is functioning wayyy too fast which is causing these issues).  She took a blood sample and will be testing to verify that I have hyperthyroidism, diabetes, or other issues.  I should get the results on Monday.  I hope the blood work comes back with something...I really don't want to get poked at more!  Being exhausted is by far the most annoying thing.  I seriously feel like I need to sleep ALL THE TIME.  And if I do, I wake up just as tired as I did when I went to sleep.  New Mexico is proving to be difficult so far because of it.  I'm pulling energy out of nowhere it feels like.


The sky was beautiful tonight.  Nothing beats the clean air out here and open spaces.  This really is a horse haven!  It's nearly 11:00 P.M and tomorrow is going to be another day filled with knowledge and socializing.  Till next time...

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