Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The End is Near

At the moment I am sitting here, thinking of all the things I need to do in the next 20 days.  My final semester at Southern Utah University is coming to a close.  I'll miss the university, but I'm so happy I'll finally have my AAS degree.

Math has me pretty stressed out, unfortunately.  I've had an A grade the entire semester, but after calculating realistic scores on the next exam and final, I will most likely pull no higher than a B.  Yes, I know, many of you are thinking, "IT'S A B! That's great!  Stop being so hard on yourself!"  But the fact is, I've held on to an A the entire semester, and it would suck to get anything less than that.  Also, if I get a B- I will have to retake the class at Weber State (Weber's education department requires you to have at least a B)...and that is pretty much one of my worst nightmares.  The last couple of chapters I have been having a really difficult time with, and I've created a lot of anxiety for myself which hasn't helped my progress, or lack there of I should say.  I guess we will just have to see how things go and I'll try my best to keep my head above water.

My online cultural communication class is...awful.  I've spent the last four months reading and studying politics, religion, education, and art.  Basically, I've never wanted to burn my course materials before, but this class makes me want to set them of fire and then stomp them into the ground.  I have to write a five page analysis paper by April 16th concerning my "favorite" chapters in a book called Culture WarsCulture Wars is an incredibly dry and political montage of America.  Dear Man in the Sky, help me!  This class is torturous.  The professor is awesome and the course is organized very well, but holy cow, I hate this class.  

My leadership and facilitating class has been the biggest waste of my (parents) money in my entire college career.  The professor is an extremely nice lady, but she has to be one of the most ineffective leaders I have ever had the displeasure of working with.  She has canceled ten classes this semester, which in total is an entire month of scheduled class dates.  When we do have class, she takes 30 minutes to give instructions that don't even make sense, and then we don't have time to do what she wanted us to do in the first place.  I'm going to be very happy to not waste my time in that class anymore.  I think my leadership skills have actually regressed after being in that class...

I fell in love with my critical thinking class this semester and I so wish I could keep learning more about it.  We have a final presentation due and I'm pretty excited for that.  I love public speaking and presentation giving!  I'm going to be doing my presentation on, you guessed it, animal welfare!  I've done so much research about it already it would be stupid to go with something completely unknown to me.

I guess it would be safe to say I'm glad the semester will be over.  I've already packed up most of my belongs and I'm selling my couches tomorrow.  I can't get out of Cedar City fast enough.  Bucket Boy, OJ, my parents, Logan, and my old bedroom are calling my name!  Of course when I do finally leave Cedar City I will miss it.  I love the condo I'm living in now and I'll say it again, SUU is incredible, but nothing is forever.  It was a good first move out experience, and now I'm ready to crawl back into my parent's den for a good while.


  1. You're selling the couches? Por que? Why not just store them in the barn or garage until you move out again?

    Also, your Leadership prof sounds like an idiot. I wonder if the university knows how many times she has cancelled.

    1. I bought them for $100 and I'm selling them for $475...Haha. It was going to cost about $200 to rent the truck and move them back to Ogden too. It was a good decision to sell them.

      I left the professor an awful rating on But the university really should know about it too.
