Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's Getting Closer!

My time in Cedar City is coming to a close! 
I am taking my first of four finals tomorrow.  I'm actually excited to take them!  I am super ready for math.  While I was talking to Logan today I described studying Math 1050 to doing elementary math problems.  I rock at mathematics.  Never thought I would say that!
Suck it Weber State.

Oh, yeah, almost forgot to mention this:  I'm getting my Associate of Science this semester!  I may be getting it later than I originally planned because I fell behind at Weber State, but all good things come in time.  I'm proud of myself :)

I'm turning 20 years old in twenty days.  I keep forgetting, ha.  I feel so young, yet old at the same time.  Not old in the sense of, "OH MY GOD, I'm sooo many years into my life!" But more like, "I've done a lot in a relatively short amount of time."  I'm not in a rush to grow up, but I know what I want and I am excited to get there!  As for my yearly gifts, I have asked for a Parelli bareback pad (cause they are the best, even though the price is ridiculous at $200 +) and Sims 3 Seasons!  Yes, I am still addicted to the Sims after all these years.  I can't grow out of it.

My condo is completely barren.  I've taken several trips up to Hooper the last couple months and every time I've brought a carload full of stuff.  I don't even have couches to sit on!  My parents are picking up all of my furniture this Saturday and I will be staying with my neighbor, Jess, until May 1st.  Then Alice, the kitties, and I will head back up to Hooper!  Once we get back up North a lot is going to be happening.  My parents sold my childhood house (totally sad about it) and are in the process of closing on a new one.  The next three weeks after my return will be filled with sorting, garage selling, and packing.  I may even have a new job to attend to as well, but more on that later if I get it.  Buck and I will have to get working on our relationship before we go to New Mexico in June.  I don't think it will be too difficult, but with everything going on it's going to take an extra bit of dedication on my part.
Busy, Busy, Busy!

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