Friday, April 18, 2014


Black, white.  Up, down.  Left, right, Yes, no. Please, thank you.  Hungry, full.  Single, together.  Rich, poor.  Big, small.  Clean, dirty.  Like, dislike.  Good, bad.  Peace, chaos.

I've been thinking a lot lately.  More so than normal, which if you know me at all that tells you something has caused it.  While my brain has been busy chugging away trying to make sense of recent events, I realized something.  The ability to understand, accept, and embrace differences is a skill.  For some people it comes easy, while for others it can never be attained.  I like to think of myself as an individual that embraces differences.  I can't help but be genuinely interested and ask questions.  It makes me want to learn and grow.  It makes me a better person.  With this said, it came to me that a difference between people is that some people are like me, while others are shut off.  "It's their way or the highway," as some would call it.  Now, learning and experiencing differences does not mean you have to abide by them or live with it...but the fact that you want to explore to see if there is a better way means something.  It means a lot.  You can keep your mind set in your way, or explore the mind of others.  To me, the idea of exploring someone's mind is fun, enjoyable, and interesting.

I just find it really interesting how individual's become so closed off to thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that differ from their own.  I've found an interesting correlation.  I don't know if it's correct, but it seems to hold true...People who would be described as "closed minded" or "intolerant of differences" also lack major logic and reasoning skills.  And when you think about it, it makes sense.  If an individual continuously disregards differences and refuses to open themselves up, they do not learn.  If you do not learn, how can one expect to be logical?  They can't.  A broad mind is a logical mind.  When we encompass all the differences that are in our immediate environment, we have two choices: Reject and ignore them, or embrace and explore them.  I, personally, choose the latter.

Be curious.  Be genuine.  Be excited.
Embrace each other.

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