Friday, March 22, 2013

My Kitticles.

I have a strong sensation to write about my cats, Puppy and Freckles.
This is Puppy.  He is also commonly referred to as Mo.  Puppy is 12 years old this year.  I saw him born and can estimate how many nights I've been away from him!  My sister named Puppy, as he was originally her cat.  She later gave him to me in trade of his brother, Blizzard, because Puppy was terrified of just about everything. 

He is an explorer!  Puppy loves to wonder around and see new things.  Since we moved into an apartment where he can't go outside, his newest enjoyment is opening cupboards and then screaming like he can't get out.  Although Puppy loves to explore, he is still the terrified little kitten he has always been and will flee quickly if anything scares him.  Oh Mo.
Puppy understands English almost perfectly.  Some may say that is impossible, and to those of you that do, I invite you to witness a conversation between Puppy and I.  He is extremely talkative and loves to tell me stories about his day while I've been gone (either that or yelling at me because I was gone for too long).
Puppy only has one eye.  He was born with two, but about a year and a half ago he was going through what I like to describe as a midlife crisis.  There was a month long period where Puppy would come home with random and numerous injuries.  A puncture through the base of his tale, one of his canine teeth was broken off and his mouth was bloody, large sensitive areas (like bruises), and the cherry on top? AN EXPLODED EYEBALL.  That's right.  Whatever Puppy got into knocked him out for three days and ruptured his eye completely.  He staggered home on Thanksgiving Day 2011 where we rushed him to the Animal E.R.  He got an enucleation done the following morning and recovered quickly.  Puppy doesn't go outside anymore unless he is being directly supervised.  Can't trust him!  His biggest struggle has been tolerating Freckles smacking him on the side of the face where he doesn't have an eye.

This is Freckles.  Freckles was brought to my parents house to catch mice.  I was in Oregon on my internship when they got her, so I had no connection with her whatsoever.  When I returned home in July, I met her but found there was nothing special

Freckles had been bitten by a Brown Recluse spider on July 28, 2011.  The venom began eating away her skin, tissue, and muscle within a matter of days.  Our local vet said to either have her leg amputated or put her down, but I felt like neither of those choices were an option.  I called the Humane Society and they told me they would put her down.  I took her to my avian vet in Kaysville, and he told me to soak her leg in warm salt water 2-3 times a day.  And that's what I did for the next six months.  At first Freckles hated me and hated what I was doing to her even more, but she eventually accepted that I was helping her and let me do the painful procedure.
September 10, 2011.
Despite many vets and people saying I should put her down, I couldn't give up on this kitten (she was only 8 months old).  Nearly a year later her leg completely healed.  She walks, runs, and jumps perfectly normal, but she still doesn't like anyone touching it.  Although I usually don't boast, I saved Freckles life when everyone else thought she couldn't be saved.
Freckles is probably one of the funnest cats I have had the pleasure to be around.  She loves playing with those little metal ties that close bread bags and begs me to play with her before I go to school in the morning.  Lasers + Freckles = Chaos.  She has also been an excellent companion for Puppy.  She has made an impact on my life and is as important to me as Mo, even though I have only known her for two years.

So there you have it!  A *small* biography on my kitties.  Anyone who knows me knows I could probably write a novel about Puppy alone, but this will have to do...for now.  And for the record, I am not a crazy cat lady.  I never wish to own more than two cats, and only two because they will keep each other company when I'm not there.  CATS ARE LOVE!

1 comment:

  1. I just had to say I had a dream last night with Mo mo and the fekel in it and it made me miss living with them! Puppy was making so many raptor noises in it, it was to cute! You have the two best cats ever Jenn!
