Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Relfection on 2013

The time has come!  I've been putting off this reflection for a while for a few reasons: 
A) It's going to be a long post.
B) It requires a lot of thinking.
C) I'm lazy.

Let's go through this month by month.
January: My hair got cut off completely one day before the semester started.  I was going in to get a new short hair style, and came out looking like a boy.  It was an accident, ha.  Fortunately, people still thought I was pretty.  Someone even gave me shampoo because they felt bad! HA!  I also met my friend from China, Alice.
February: Logan and I started dating again after breaking up the following December.
March: I learned that Buck was going to be my new horse.  I wasn't very happy about it, and I don't think Buck was either.  Foxy's one year anniversary of her death was on March 28th.  I was still recovering from the accident at this point. I surrounded her grave with a fence in remembrance of how much she meant to me.  OJ stayed by her grave for hours afterwards.
April: I completed spring semester with my associates of applied science from Southern Utah University.  My graduating GPA was a 3.5.

May: I moved back home from Cedar City on May 7th to the Hooper house. On May 18th we moved after 13 wonderful years to a new house in Taylor. I still really miss the old house.  I broke up with Logan for the same reason I broke up with him in December. I decided to go into Elementary Education instead of communications. Not because I didn't want to, but because I wouldn't have to be in school for as long. Oh, and I turned 20 but did not celebrate too much.
June: Pie Town, NM!  Mine and Buck's relationship was still nonexistent.  I think I recall him stepping on me four or five times since March.   I saw my first horse leg and hoof dissection.  I learned by Foxy broke her leg.  Logan gave me an engagement ring, we stopped talking.

July: Logan told me he bought me tickets to go to South Africa back in February, so we started talking again.  He and Alice came to Marysvale with my family for the 4th of July.  I had to stop donating plasma because my heart rate was at a steady 115 and I had to go to the doctor for it.  But, I made a friend with one of the workers there before I stopped going, Cam! Alice, Cam, and I went to the zoo and aquarium. It was a blast!

August: Logan and I went to South Africa for ten days.  It was a trip of a lifetime and I will be going back one day.  That country is just amazing.  We also spent a day in Washington DC and saw the natural history museum. I started college back at Weber State University as a junior.  Oh, and Buck and I started riding bridleless!
September: Not a lot happened.  I was going full steam ahead in college and working with Buck every day.  Buck and I had made significant progress in our relationship by this point.  I began going to therapy and started on antidepressants as recommend by my doctor to treat my PTSD, anxiety, and of course, depression.

November: I went to Washington and Oregon for Thanksgiving.  It was nice seeing family I haven't seen in years and years, but at the same time it kind of just refueled my anger towards how uninvolved they've been in our lives here in Utah.
December: Graduated with 3 A's and 1 A- for the second semester in a row.  I just can't seem to get a 4.0!  I am getting a bachelors in integrated studies.  My concentrations are psychology, child and family studies, and communications.  I will be graduating spring 2015, and will start my masters program the following fall.  I cancelled by PRAXIS exam and instead signed up to start getting my equine specialist certification for EAGALA.
This year went by incredibly fast.  I learned a lot of valuable lessons and discovered characteristics about myself that are priceless.  One of the most important things I learned is to not sell myself short for what I really deserve in life.  I have a greater respect for my intelligence, morals and values, talents and desires.

To the New Year!

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