Monday, July 21, 2014

Life Is Constantly Changing

My last post was on June 16.  I think I've reached a point in my life where things are so good, I don't need to validate what's happening through writing anymore.  It has done wonders for me in the last year and a half, and I'm going to continue to try to write, but don't be surprised if you only see a few posts here and there about "stuff" and "things".  This is a good thing, I think.  My life seems to be on a fast track to my biggest aspirations. 

So what's all happened in a month?  Loads.  I don't even know where to begin.  I'll hit the high points and spare everyone the details.  If you know me, you know I can talk forever about the little things. 

Raven, my pretty pony!  I had my forth ride on her last Thursday.  I took her to the Golden Spike Eventing Center with my mom and Tango, Andrea and Sugar, and Lindsy with her horse Bear.  I went into this adventure with no expectations.  I just wanted to have fun!  No working on turns or gaits, backing up or going over objects, I was going to have a good time with my new pony and my horsey friends.  I rode Raven in an English saddle and my rope hack.  We started out weaving in and out of the shady trees, checking out strange cross country jumps, and even trotting a little.  Not even thirty minutes later we were jumping over one foot logs at a trot, and then cantering with Tango and Sugar!  That was the first time Raven and I have jumped AND cantered together!  She never broke gait going over the jumps, and she has a splendid collected and extended canter.  It's a dream.  She is a dream.  Ahhh, I have amazing things in store for her and I!
Tarps?  No big deal!

Golden Spike cross country course
First ride EVER!

Now, I did fall off of her at the very end.  I was riding her and asking her to do things for a good hour and half beforehand, though.  That's a pretty long time for a two year old horse to listen, pay attention, and obey.  Anyway, she started reaching down and eating the alfalfa in the cross country course.  I was sick of it so I smacked her mouth with my hand on the side that she is half blind.  Needless to say she got spooked and lurched forward with a kick in her step.  I landed behind the saddle, then fell off sideways on the ground.  She broke the reins and trotted off about 25 feet then stopped.  I remember most of it, specifically her back hooves coming at me once I hit the ground.  It was completely my fault that it happened.  I limped over to where she stand.  She stood still while I got back on her and we quietly walked back to the trailer.  It was still a great end to a wonderful day...regardless of my bruised lower back and pelvis (ouch!).

Quick bit on Sequoia.  She has been doing wonderful, too.  She is going to make someone a great little horse.  I've put six rides on her and we are walking, trotting, turning, and rotating on the back with ease.  Nothing phases this little girl...unless you ask her for a canter.  I'm pretty sure it's because of her confirmation right now.  She's pretty lopsided because of her age.  She's a growing girl!  She doesn't like to canter while playing the circle game or being ridden.  Maybe next year when she's more evened out it'll be better for her.  She is sharp on the ground and is very sensitive.  I'm sad she'll be going back to Happy Hollow mid August, but I am very pleased with what I've done accomplished with her.
It's time to reeeelllaax

She doesn't mind standing on strange things!

First ride EVER for Sequoia!

Buck has been hanging in there.  The weather really messes with his arthritis.  We did go on a trail ride to Dimple Dell in Draper last week though!  He felt amazing!  He was cantering up hills, trotting, and he even wanted to be the leader of the other horses!  It was so good to see.  Buck is getting lots of attention still, and he really enjoys the riding lessons...and the mares, of course.
Nighty night time

Buck making friends with the ladies

Hay net? No problem.

Fourth of July on the roof!

Cam Cam the Landscape Man.  Yup.  He's a pretty good...scratch that...incredible person.  He is the hardest, most dedicated working guy I know.  Things with him are just easy.  I don't have to feel embarrassed, afraid, or worried with him.  Everything comes naturally and flows so easily when I'm around him, and when I'm not.  Maybe it's the overdose of dopamine rushing through my brain, but I've fallen pretty hard for this guy.  I can't say where him and I are going to end up, but I'm pretty sure I have a good idea...

On a more medical note, I haven't felt depressed in a good three or four months.  There have been five days during that time when I felt lame for half the day, but I was able to turn myself around.  After doing some research and talking to some doctors, I've learned that it's typically best to stay on the antidepressants for six months to a year after they start working to ensure the chemical imbalance in the brain has changed enough to maintain its current levels.  I guess it makes sense.  This means I won't be getting off of them by September though.  It'll be more like the beginning of next January.  I'm okay with that as long as I feel good and, well, not depressed.  My insomnia or whatever you want to call it is still kicking my ass.  I finally started a sleeping medication (Ambien).  It's a pretty particular medication.  I'm only supposed to take it for 7-10 days in a row, then be off of it for 7-10 days.  I guess the body builds up a tolerance to it quickly if you take it every night for a prolonged period of time.  If I eat two hours before I go to bed, it doesn't work.  So that's making me watch what time I'm eating too, which is a good thing, really.

I still hate my job at Petco, but since I have about $2,000 in debt right now (not including my car), my only option is to keep working.  Petco brings in about $500/month, and my riding lessons bring in a steady $520 (yes, I got new clients...three more, I'm up to five now with more possibly coming in).  But, between my phone bill, car payment, gas, and random expenses, I'm only able to pocket about $500 of that.  Buying three tons of hay certainly hasn't helped my situation, but it's what I have to do for my ponies.  It's what pushed me over actually, $800 of that debt is in hay.  At least I won't have to buy anymore for quite some time!  Since I bought Raven my savings account has been really low, so handing out $500 every month isn't very realistic.  I'm hoping by December to be out of debt and just have my car payment left.

Dimple Dell ride
I haven't gone on any vacations this summer.  I really want to, but I just don't have the funds for it right now.  I'd love to go to Marysvale and go camping for four or five days, and go to Portland to visit with my sister for a week...but I just can't seem to find the money.  It's sad.  I've never been so broke in my life.

But hey, money isn't happiness.  Despite my financial situation I am very, very happy and oh so thankful for everything that has happened in my life.  That's a big change for me.  Finances have always cause me discontent, but recently it's kind of just a "thing" and I know it won't stay like this forever.

Till next time! :)