Monday, June 16, 2014

In Recent News...

A lot sure has changed in a short amount of time.  Most of you know, or at least heard, that I bought a new horse.  It's true, I did.  Although she cost me an arm and a leg just about, she's worth every penny.  Before I dive into the horse stuff, I am going to cover a few other topics first...

I have attained a significant other as of yesterday.  His name is Cameron, and he is an amazing guy.  I am very lucky to have crossed paths with him.  There was never any pressure to be more than friends, something I didn't get with the others.  It allowed me to be entirely myself and be true to who I am and what I want out of life.  
Here are a few things to mention about him:
- He practices Buddhism, like me!
- He is the co-owner of a landscaping company 
- He was born in Arizona and raised in Idaho
- He is 24 years old
- He's 6'8" and he wears every inch very well ;)
- He is really easy to talk to and is very humorous 
Basically, he's great and I can see very good things happening with this gentleman.
During my time dating around I learned a lot about myself.  Some things I didn't like learning about, but it was good I was able to recognize it within myself.  It helped me build a successful friendship with Cameron before we decided to be in a relationship, and for that I am thankful for the guys I was dating that it didn't work out with.

So, horses...These last two weeks have been filled with horses.  I don't remember why, but one day I was looking on KSL for horses and I ran across an ad from a lady in Midvale, Idaho.  She was advertising a Gypsy Vanner x Krugar Mustang filly.  Out of curiosity I went to her website (http:/  She is the largest Gypsy Vanner Sporthorse breeder in the U.S.  I skimmed through her "sale" section and fell in love with the breed.  I gave her a call, and the next thing I knew I was planning a two day trip to her ranch.  Cameron came with me and we stayed at his aunt's.  The next day I worked with the horse I ended up buying on Saturday.  The problem was, however, I couldn't afford the full asking price.  The lady watched me worked with the horses for a bit, and then offered a pretty amazing deal to me.  She asked if I wanted to train and sell horses for her.  I was pretty stunned at first, but immediately became interested.  Long story short, when I went to pick up my horse I also brought home another horse to train and sell.  The contract is $250/month/horse, all care expenses paid by their owner, and I get 10% commission on every sell.  It's pretty amazing.  This is a dream come true for me.

Now, let's talk a little about these horses, shall we?
Raven is my new horse.  Her cross is a Gypsy Vanner x Quarter Horse.  She is 2 years old, and right now she is 15.2 hands.  She is charcoal black with a star and two socks on her hind legs.  After she fully matures she is expected to look like a Fresain (totally stoked...).  She is sensitive, responsive, and friendly.  I just know she is going to be my next huge success!  She hasn't had much work put on her, only about two weeks last summer, but she is a very fast learner.  I hope to be able to sit on her by the end up July.  

Sequoia is 2 years old as well.  She is the same cross as Raven.  She should mature around 15.1 to 15.2.  She is a sooty buckskin with GOBS of hair.  SO MUCH HAIR.  It's impossible to keep brushed, but it's oh so pretty.  When she moves she stays collected and has a beautiful extended trot.  She would make a great Western pleasure horse or dressage horse I think.  Sequoia has only been worked with 3 times, and today was the first day I worked with her.  The first hour was very frustrating.  She struck out at me, reared up twice, stepped on me once, and tried to bite me once as well.  She is sensitive and smart, but she hasn't been asked to do anything and she has an attitude.  Around 5:00 tonight I worked with her again.  This time she was much, much better.  Her right side definitely needs the most attention, as she gets the most uncomfortable on that side.  We played the seven games with pretty good success and ended on a great note (backing through a small gate).  I am excited to see what tomorrow will bring!

I bet you all are wondering what's going on with Bucket.  He's my lesson horse now.  I haven't been able to ride him in nearly three months without causing him immense pain.  It isn't fair to him.  We have had him on medication, had chiropractic work done on him, and have had him adjusted.  It worked for a small amount of time, but it wore off pretty quickly.  The last week he has been able to have access to the front pasture and dry lot continuously and he has been in much better spirits and been moving quite well.  I think he needs movement more than anything, but with how small our property is it isn't realistic.  I am going to make an appointment to get him some acupuncture done and hopefully that will continue to help his pain levels decrease.  He is still getting a lot of attention from me and his spirits are staying high.  He's such a good boy.  I love my Bucket!  He always brings a smile to my face.

Well, I guess that's all for now.  I am completely broke, but I love my new horse, my depression and anxiety have been nonexistent for a few months now, I have a great guy on my arm, and I have an amazing opportunity in my pocket.  Life is good.

Till next time, friends.