If one thing is for certain, I want to get a control of my emotional stress and triggers. The grounding techniques my therapist has given me has already done wonders concerning flashbacks and trauma-drawn emotions. I am excited to see where my mental state ends up as a result of therapy and the medication. I am hoping to be completely done with both by the end of summer.
I am going to go to the gym Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the entire semester. Some days I may not be able to make it because of doctor appointments and other obligations I can't reschedule, but for the most part I'll be there three days a week for at least an hour at a time. The purpose of going to the gym isn't for me to look better (although that is a perk), but more so that I can be in shape and more flexible for the yoga I plan on doing with Buck.
Speaking of my Bucket, I'm not sure what I want to do with him this year. Of course we will work on our relationship more and test the limits of trust, but overall I think we are just gonna have do our best and announce it as it happens! I want to get more horse riding lesson clients too! How many people actually want to take lessons is out of my control, but I am going to put a lot of energy into advertising and promoting natural horsemanship for beginners.
I hope to take at least 15 credit hours a semester so I can graduate by Spring 2015 with my bachelors of integrated studies. I'm not saying I'm going to resolve to get a 4.0, but that sure would be nice! I'll try my best!
Here is to a new year with new adventures, achievements, struggles, realizations, and knowledge! I have a feeling I won't be disappointed :)
Goodbye 2013!