Saturday, April 27, 2013

Oh, Mr. Sandman, Where Are You?

My parent's visited me this weekend.  They packed up all of my belongs and took it back to Hooper where it is now being stored in our garage until we move (again) in two weeks.  I'm living at my amazing neighbor's condo for a couple days.  My suitcase is what I'll be living out of for a bit!  Although I think my mom and dad did a lot of the work today, and life has been pretty laid back, I am so tired.  All I want to do is sleep.

If only though.  My body doesn't understand that night time is rest time!  I've never had sleeping problems before, so I am sure there is a reason (or reasons) for it.  I've been having a difficult time sleeping for about two and a half months now and it is catching up to me.  It is so frustrating going to bed at 10:30 PM and then waking up around 2:00 AM, and either staying fully awake until I have to go to school at 9:30 or falling in and out of sleep every 45 minutes until I get out of bed.  No matter how mentally and/or physically tired I am, my brain doesn't make the correlation that I need to sleep!

I've been experiencing severe muscle cramps and nerve pain in my legs and clavicle areas lately, mainly at night or in the morning.  The pain makes it impossible to even feel tired.  Unfortunately, I just have to lay there and stretch or walk around for a couple hours (which isn't that fun to do when you have an exam the next morning).  The people I've talked to about it think my vitamin/mineral intake may be off, which could very well be the case.  Not to mention stress, even though I feel like everything is going pretty smoothly right now.  I'll probably end up going to the doctor once I get home.  I hate doctors.

Puppy sure is adorable when I am awake at night, specifically when I'm walking around.  He will follow me up and down the stairs, regardless of how many times I do it.  He will talk to me all the while too (but what's new).  It's nice having that company.  Not only is it distracting, but it makes it a bit more tolerable :)

Until this issue is taken care of, I'm slowly picking up the nasty habit of drinking...DUN DUN DUN...COFFEE.  Not very often, but only when I really need the energy to do my homework or go grocery shopping.  I don't like coffee, but it's the only way I've discovered to keep myself alert when I need it.

At least Puppy seems to be getting enough rest.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's Getting Closer!

My time in Cedar City is coming to a close! 
I am taking my first of four finals tomorrow.  I'm actually excited to take them!  I am super ready for math.  While I was talking to Logan today I described studying Math 1050 to doing elementary math problems.  I rock at mathematics.  Never thought I would say that!
Suck it Weber State.

Oh, yeah, almost forgot to mention this:  I'm getting my Associate of Science this semester!  I may be getting it later than I originally planned because I fell behind at Weber State, but all good things come in time.  I'm proud of myself :)

I'm turning 20 years old in twenty days.  I keep forgetting, ha.  I feel so young, yet old at the same time.  Not old in the sense of, "OH MY GOD, I'm sooo many years into my life!" But more like, "I've done a lot in a relatively short amount of time."  I'm not in a rush to grow up, but I know what I want and I am excited to get there!  As for my yearly gifts, I have asked for a Parelli bareback pad (cause they are the best, even though the price is ridiculous at $200 +) and Sims 3 Seasons!  Yes, I am still addicted to the Sims after all these years.  I can't grow out of it.

My condo is completely barren.  I've taken several trips up to Hooper the last couple months and every time I've brought a carload full of stuff.  I don't even have couches to sit on!  My parents are picking up all of my furniture this Saturday and I will be staying with my neighbor, Jess, until May 1st.  Then Alice, the kitties, and I will head back up to Hooper!  Once we get back up North a lot is going to be happening.  My parents sold my childhood house (totally sad about it) and are in the process of closing on a new one.  The next three weeks after my return will be filled with sorting, garage selling, and packing.  I may even have a new job to attend to as well, but more on that later if I get it.  Buck and I will have to get working on our relationship before we go to New Mexico in June.  I don't think it will be too difficult, but with everything going on it's going to take an extra bit of dedication on my part.
Busy, Busy, Busy!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Things You May or May Not Know About Me

I used to dissect goldfish out of my parent's pond when I was little.  I was fascinated by the parts and pieces that made them live...and eventually die...creepy, I know.

As much as I LOVE lions, I would never want to own one.  They belong in the wild and it should stay that way (for any animal really unless it is for education purposes only).

I have a "green thumb" on my left hand, but not my right.  Does this mean I only half suck at growing plants?

You can almost immediately tell if I am in a bad mood by the amount of words that come out of my mouth.  Good mood? "Blah blah blah blah blah," you get the point.  Bad mood? "Blah."

I'm cold pretty much all the time.

I hate water.  I do not like touching water, seeing water, or being in water.  I'm okay with sitting in a hot tub or clean hot spring, but pools and lakes freak me out.  If someone splashes me I turn into a very, very angry hydrophobe. 

Spicy things = No Bueno 

I am not a very adventurous person and prefer other people to fill that gap in for me.  Sky diving? Never.  Bungy jumping? Nope.  Rock climing? Not a chance.  I love hiking though :)

I am a very particular person, almost to the point of being OCD.

As much as I love animals and have always wanted a career working with them, none of the jobs (with exception to being a veterinarian, which doesn't interest me) would be conducive to the lifestyle I want for myself or my future family.  Some things are better staying as hobbies :)

I like to think I'm a pretty simple person on the surface, but as you can see in this blog there is more too me than meets the eye.

I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.  All past events lead up to where we are today and the decisions we make.  I think most unexpected things happen because of events that we did not pay attention to and it lead up to that moment that we consider to be unexpected.

I was completely obsessed with the show Spongebob Squarepants from ages 8-11.  My room was decked out from floor to ceiling in Spongebob EVERYTHING.  It was quite impressive.

I started practicing Buddhism around the time Foxy died.  It has helped me cope with the pain and trauma of her passing.  I have never been sad about Foxy leaving this world, but I have had a difficult time handling the process in which she was taken from my life and Buddhism has been my life saver. As a side note, Buddhism is not a religion, it is a way of life.

I always use the handicap stall in the restroom.  It's so roomy and usually a lot cleaner. 

I love my short hair, but sometimes I miss my long hair.  It was so healthy and had a lot of natural volume.  I'm pretty sure I'll grow it back out in a year or two...

I can't watch more than one show at a time on Netflix.  I have to finish an entire series before starting another one.

When I meditate, I go to a beautiful place.  I start out in a field of flowers that is sloped along side a huge purple mountain.  I walk on a path and enter a forest where the light is hidden by the huge pine trees.  I emerge into a clearing with lush green grass.  I walk down the slightly sloped clearing and travel up the other side.  I reenter the forest, walk through to the other side, and look out upon a sandy beached perched along side jagged cliffs.  The sky is blotched with puffy white clouds that contrast with the bright blue sky.  I love visiting this place.

I Facebook stalk people I used to go to school with or have some form of resentment towards.  It's a bad habit of mine.  I'm trying to stop!

I cannot fall asleep while watching TV or a movie.  My attention is drawn to both the sight and sound of it, and I can't let my focus fade long enough to pass out.  Sad :(

Sushi is amazing, but I'm not a fan of tuna and salmon.  I'm more of a crab and eel kind of person.  If I could eat sushi every day of the week, I totally would.

Likes, Dislikes, Pet Peeves, and Lovelies

This is a short list about the basics things I enjoy and do not enjoy in life. 
Favorite Candy:  Milky Way, Almond Joy, Snickers, and gummy bears/worms
Least Favorite Candy: Payday
Favorite Ice Cream:  Neapolitan and Rocky Road
Least Favorite Ice Cream: None 

Favorite Food: Lasagna, enchiladas, and wiener schnitzel (Thanks to Logan!)
Least Favorite Food: Anything with cabbage in it. 

Favorite Music: Pop, hip-hop, acoustic, indie, alternative rock, relaxing sound tracks, experimental, piano and violin  
Least Favorite Music: Swanky gangster rap, the blues and jazz, reggae, country, repetitive techno and dub-step a two year old could make...

Favorite Color: Red and Cream
Least Favorite Color: Anything neon.  
Those colors need to calm the Hell down or find another job.

Pet Peeves 
People who dedicate songs to their current lover, and then the song is ruined when they break up.  It's like, come on, we aren't in Jr. high anymore.  
When people use fallacies in their arguments and then get offended when you point it out
Drivers that fail to use their blinkers, drivers that go under the speed limit on an impassable road, drivers that pump their bass so loud you can't hear your own radio, drives who tailgate, people in vehicles in general.
TAPPING. Oh my God. I don't think I can even come up any words to describe how much I HATE TAPPING. Finger tapping, pencil tapping, repetitive drum tapping, drops of water, etc...

Lovelies:  The ORIGINAL My Little Pony characters (not those dumb, googly-eyed rip offs)
African lions, African Elephants, and Giraffes (Africa in general)
Horses, kitties, and dead flowers (kind of weird, I know).

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The End is Near

At the moment I am sitting here, thinking of all the things I need to do in the next 20 days.  My final semester at Southern Utah University is coming to a close.  I'll miss the university, but I'm so happy I'll finally have my AAS degree.

Math has me pretty stressed out, unfortunately.  I've had an A grade the entire semester, but after calculating realistic scores on the next exam and final, I will most likely pull no higher than a B.  Yes, I know, many of you are thinking, "IT'S A B! That's great!  Stop being so hard on yourself!"  But the fact is, I've held on to an A the entire semester, and it would suck to get anything less than that.  Also, if I get a B- I will have to retake the class at Weber State (Weber's education department requires you to have at least a B)...and that is pretty much one of my worst nightmares.  The last couple of chapters I have been having a really difficult time with, and I've created a lot of anxiety for myself which hasn't helped my progress, or lack there of I should say.  I guess we will just have to see how things go and I'll try my best to keep my head above water.

My online cultural communication class is...awful.  I've spent the last four months reading and studying politics, religion, education, and art.  Basically, I've never wanted to burn my course materials before, but this class makes me want to set them of fire and then stomp them into the ground.  I have to write a five page analysis paper by April 16th concerning my "favorite" chapters in a book called Culture WarsCulture Wars is an incredibly dry and political montage of America.  Dear Man in the Sky, help me!  This class is torturous.  The professor is awesome and the course is organized very well, but holy cow, I hate this class.  

My leadership and facilitating class has been the biggest waste of my (parents) money in my entire college career.  The professor is an extremely nice lady, but she has to be one of the most ineffective leaders I have ever had the displeasure of working with.  She has canceled ten classes this semester, which in total is an entire month of scheduled class dates.  When we do have class, she takes 30 minutes to give instructions that don't even make sense, and then we don't have time to do what she wanted us to do in the first place.  I'm going to be very happy to not waste my time in that class anymore.  I think my leadership skills have actually regressed after being in that class...

I fell in love with my critical thinking class this semester and I so wish I could keep learning more about it.  We have a final presentation due and I'm pretty excited for that.  I love public speaking and presentation giving!  I'm going to be doing my presentation on, you guessed it, animal welfare!  I've done so much research about it already it would be stupid to go with something completely unknown to me.

I guess it would be safe to say I'm glad the semester will be over.  I've already packed up most of my belongs and I'm selling my couches tomorrow.  I can't get out of Cedar City fast enough.  Bucket Boy, OJ, my parents, Logan, and my old bedroom are calling my name!  Of course when I do finally leave Cedar City I will miss it.  I love the condo I'm living in now and I'll say it again, SUU is incredible, but nothing is forever.  It was a good first move out experience, and now I'm ready to crawl back into my parent's den for a good while.